Thursday, March 24, 2005

Getting Calcium Without the Dairy

I looked up some info about calcium and thought I would share in response to this post:

Leafy greens contain vitamin C, A and D, magnesium -- along with calcium and folic acid -- and the combination is supposedly easier for your body to assimilate and use. There is also some evidence that too much calcium by itself actually isn't helpful to the body. Since the new USDA guidelines are for 7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, everyone should probably drinking less milk and getting more vegetable sources of calcium in their diets.

Page 4 of the USDA Dietary Guidelines has a list of non-dairy sources of calcium

This was interesting as well to find out:

"While it is usually stated that calcium impairs iron absorption, the inconsistent results across experiments suggest that calcium-iron interactions are complex...It is likely that iron absorption can be protected by consuming calcium-rich foods and iron-rich foods at different meals."

I've been eating a lot more leafy greens over the past couple of years and have noted that if you can't get around to cooking them yourself that ethnic restaurants are a great way to incorporate some into your diet -- Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Ethiopian, Soul Food all have things like bok choy, spinach, or collard readily available. I actually feel better when I have less dairy, I will have some cheese if I'm craving it but otherwise I try to steer clear.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

How long to take off for recovery post myomectomy

I was out of work for 3 weeks and then returned part-time at first and then worked up to full time. I did that in part to try to allow my body to focus on healing, all that thinking we do takes up valuable energy that the body could use to help heal itself. Also, it isn't comfortable as you are swollen and have lots of aches and pains in the first 6 weeks or so. It isn't too bad though, manageable really. It depends on many things --

* if you lose a lot of blood or go in anemic then healing will go slower, and you may be fatigued longer
* if you are in good shape your body should be able to heal you more quickly,
* if you eat really well you should heal better,
* if you really do take it easy for the time you are off you will heal better
* if you have any complications such as the incision opening then it will take longer
* some people say that the more quickly you are able to start walking again regularly that it can help promote healing -- but you can't do anything like yoga or running for at least 6 weeks.